Standen is one of the best examples of an arts and
crafts house open to the public in this country. Built
between 1892 and 1894 as a country home for London solicitor
James Beale, Standen is a superb example of the work
of the architect Phillip Webb, lifelong friend of William
Morris, and a leading exponent of the arts and crafts
movement. The house provides a perfect illustration
of the movement's emphasis on hand craftsmanship and
traditional materials, with many everyday objects in
the rooms combining both form and function.
Morris and Co. were chosen to decorate the interior
and, as a result, it is one of the finest surviving
examples of the company's work in a domestic setting
in all its variety of pattern, colour and texture, from
printed wallpapers to tapestries and furniture

A detail of the dining room at Standen |
2 miles east of East Grinstead, Sussex, sign posted
from B2110
April - October, Wednesdays to Sundays and Bank Holiday Mondays
12.30pm - 4.30pm
Adult £5.00, child £2.50, family £12.50
01342 323029
Standen House
East Grinstead
RH19 4NE