De Morgan Ricardo designs |
De Morgan animal tile designs |
De Morgan hares |
Mackintosh prints |
Edward Burne-Jones print |
William Morris Antique Wallpaper |
William Morris Antique Wallpaper |
William Morris Antique Wallpaper |
William Morris Antique Wallpaper |
Halsey Ricardo print |
Halsey Ricardo print |
William De Morgan print |
William De Morgan print |
Mackintosh - La Rue De Soleil |
William De Morgan print |
Mackintosh - The Little Bay |
Mackintosh - Jasmine |
Mackintosh - Borage |
Mackintosh - Rock Cress |
Mackintosh - Winter Stock |
Mackintosh - Japonica |
Mackintosh - Cactus |
Mackintosh - Fritillaria |
Mackintosh - Willow Herb |
Mackintosh - Larkspur |
Mackintosh - Petunia |
Mackintosh - Japanese Witch Hazel |
Mackintosh - Spurge |
The Meeting on the Turret Stairs |
Ophelia |
Silver |
A Mermaid |
Ophelia |
The Lady of Shalott |
Ophelia 1910 |
Silver Favourites |
Love in Idleness |
Sibylla Delphica |
Luas Veneris |
Marguerites |
Sappho |
A Reader |
Birds of the Air |
An Idyll |
The Bower Meadow |
Dante's Dream |
Astarte Syriaca |
Sibylla Palmifera |
Study after Astarte Syrica |
When Apples Were Golden |
Hylas and the Nymphs |
Echo and Narcissus |
The Enchanted Garden |
The Danaides |
Penelope and her Suitors |
Cuid and Psyche |
Sleeping Beauty |
The Beguiling of Merlin |
The Tree of Forgiveness |
Study of Guinevere |
The lady with the monkey |
The Abbe, for Under the Hill |
The Yellow Book prospectus |
The Peacock Skirt from Salome |
Seigfried, Act II |
Isolde, from The Studio |