Take 4 lbs. loaf sugar, 1.5 pints best vinegar, 2 dozen cloves,
and a little mace and cinnamon. Boil all together till the sugar
is dissolved, then pour the liquid over 5 lbs. of damsons in an
earthenware vessel. Let the pickle stand for twenty-four hours,
then pour off the liquid and boil it again. Pour it back over the
damsons once more, let all stand for another day, then boil altogether
for five minutes and store in jars for use.
One quart split peas, 3 lbs. of shin beef or beef trimmings, 0.25
lbs. bacon, 2 carrots, 2 turnips, 5 onions, 1 head of celery, season
to taste, 4 quarts of soft water. Soak the peas overnight in soft
water, then boil them in the water till tender; then add the other
ingredients and simmer for two hours, stirring occasionally.
A still more economical pea sop, costing about 1.5d. per quart.
Take 0.25 lb onions, 0.25 lb carrots, head of celery, 0.75 lb. split
peas, a little mint, 1 tablespoonful sugar, salt and pepper, 4 quarts
of soft water. Cut up the vegetables and fry them for ten minutes
in a little dripping, then pour the water on them, and when boiling
add the peas. Simmer gently for three hours; then add the sugar
seasoning and mint; boil for fifteen minutes and serve.
1 lb. streaky bacon
salt and pepper to taste
0.5 lb. self-raising flour
4 oz. Dripping or margarine
2 lbs. potatoes, cooked and mashed
Prepare the pastry by mixing flour, seasoning, dripping or margarine,
and mashed potatoes. Use a little water to bind. Flour a paste-board,
and roll the mixture out thin and smooth. Cut the pastry into strips,
and lay upon each strip a slice of bacon from which the rind and
edge have been cut. Roll up the pastry and bacon quickly, put on
a well-greased pan. Bake for half an hour.
1 oz. of horehound, 1 oz. of burdock leaves, 5 ozs. of ginger,
0.25 oz. of hops, and the size of a hazel nut of gentian root. Tie
all in a cloth, and boil in 5 gallons of water for an hour; then
strain and again boil, adding 3 lbs. of brown sugar and 2 ozs. of
Spanish juice. Ferment for 24 hours, then bottle.
For cutlets, roast meat, etc. Stew in the bottom of a pan six shallots,
a small carrot a small bunch of parsley, thyme, mint, marjoram,
and half a bay-leaf, together with 2 ozs. of butter and 2 slices
of lean ham. Simmer over a slow fire till the bottom of the pan
is covered with a brown glaze. Stir in 2 cloves, 6 peppercorns,
1 blade of mace, half a pint of stock, 4 tablespoons of vinegar,
a lump of sugar, a pinch of cayenne, and a pinch of salt. Simmer
gently for 15 minutes, skim off all fat, strain through a sieve,
and serve very hot. If this sauce is too acid, use less vinegar.
1.5 lbs. cooked new potatoes
1 doz. red turnip radishes
1 tablespoonful olive-oil
1 pint shrimp
1 tablespoonful vinegar
a handful of cress or watercress
4 hard boiled eggs
2 tablespoonfuls salad-dressing
Mix the olive-oil and vinegar with pepper and salt to taste on
a plate. Have the potatoes cut into tiny squares rolled in the mixture,
and then put them into the salad bowl, making them into a mound
in the center. Place the cress or watercress round, and decorate
with slices of egg and red radishes. Put the shrimps in tiny heaps
between. Pour the dressing over the potatoes.
This salad may be varied with small pieces of white pork meat,
scraps of chicken, or white fish. Or portions of tinned salmon freed
of skin and bone will find a welcome in this salad meal so simple
to prepare.
0.5 lb. corned beef, lean
6 gherkins
2 lbs. mashed potato
6 onions ( from jar of mixed clear pickles)
6 small tomatoes
Cut the lean beef small. Pile the mashed potatoes in a dish, and
surround with a border of diced beef. Cut up the onions in quarters,
and stick them in the potatoes. Decorate with small gherkins, and
tomatoes also cut in quarters.
1.25 lbs. of flour, 1 lb. of brown sugar, 5 ozs. of butter, 1 oz.
of ginger, 3 eggs, pinch of volatile.
Method- Sieve your flour and volatile together, add ginger,
rub in your butter, make a bay, add in your sugar and eggs, make
into dough, pin out, cut with a 4 inch cutter, place on clean greased
tins, glaze with egg, place on the center of each biscuit a thin
slice of orange peel, bake in a slow oven.
1 lb. of finest white flour, 12 eggs, 0.75 lb of fresh butter,
1 pint of water.
Method- Boil the water and butter together for three minutes,
as it boils stir in the flour rapidly and smoothly, work till light,
when coolish work in the eggs one by one, stir them well. It is
a mistake to beat them first, as they get spent, when they are all
in, the mixture should be like a well-whipped cream, and stand firm.
Put out into 20 puffs, round in shape, high and cone form. Do all
this quickly, bake and when done make an incision and cut the top
carefully. Fill with whipped and flavoured cream, pink or white,
dust with icing sugar, which shows white against the pale brown.
Boil one cupful of rice in a quart of mild until very soft, add
to it while hot the yolks of 3 eggs well beaten the grated yellow
rind of 2 lemons, 8 tablespoons of sugar, and a pinch of salt. If
too hot add a little cold milk. Turn it into a pudding dish and
cover with a meringue made with the whites of the eggs and 6 tablespoonsful
of sugar whipped to a firm snow. Brown very delicately in a slow
oven, and serve very cold. A cheap but delicious pudding.
An excellent way to cook cold beef. Mince your cold beef (not too
much fat) with a small onion. Season to taste with salt, pepper,
and a little mace. Crumble half a slice of bread, add a dessertspoonful
of flour, mix well together and bind with a beaten egg or a little
milk. Roll into balls, dip them in flour or browned bread crumbs,
and fry in butter or good fresh dripping. Serve with brown gravy,
or with butter browned in the pan after cooking your croquets, adding
water, flour for thickening, and a teaspoonful of meat extract.
2 eggs, 2 oz. of castor sugar, 2 oz. of flour, quarter teaspoonful
of baking powder, raspberry jam, 1 teaspoonful of milk, 4 drops
of essence of lemon.
Method- Put the eggs and sugar into a basin, beat briskly for
ten minutes. Mix the flour and baking powder together on a plate;
add gradually to the eggs and sugar and milk. Pour into a dripping
tin greased and lined with paper bake at the top of a hot oven five
to seven minutes. Spread a piece of kitchen paper on a board, shake
sugar over, turn the cake on to this, tear off the greased paper,
cut the edges all round, spread the jam over, slightly warmed, roll
up quickly. Cut across the middle.
2 lettuce
9 nasturtium leaves
0.25 lb. chopped nuts
9 nasturtium blossoms
9 nasturtium seeds (pickled)
3 tablespoonfuls salad-dressing
Pull the outer leaves of the lettuce to pieces after washing and
drying them. Arrange in a shallow bowl. Then tear into narrow strips
the nasturtium leaves and the hearts of lettuce, and mix them. Strain
the seeds from the pickling vinegar, and add to the chopped nuts.
Pile in little heaps, add the lettuce mixture, and pour on the dressing.
Place the nasturtium blossoms between the tiny piles of nuts and
seeds, and serve at once.
Take 1.25 lbs. of lean nick of mutton, and trim off the fat. Cut
a medium-sized white cabbage into quarters, place in a pan with
the mutton, and cover both with cold water. Season with salt and
a few peppercorns. Bring to a boil, and then simmer gently for two
Peel a couple of onions, and boil them until quite tender, then
chop finely. Melt 1 oz. butter in a saucepan, and stir in 1 oz.
flour. When quite smooth, and quarter pint of water and quarter
pint of milk, and boil well. Then add the chopped onions and seasoning,
and boil again.
Remains of cold roast fowls, 2 onions, 1 apple, 2 oz. butter, 2
teaspoonsful curry powder, 1 teaspoonful flour, half pint brown
gravy, 1 tablespoonful of lemon juice. Slice the onions, mince the
apple, cut the fowl, and cook to a nice brown in the butter; add
the curry powder, flour, and gravy, and stew gently for twenty minutes.
Add the lemon juice, and serve with boiled rice.
Soak half a pound of bread in milk until quite soft, then squeeze
as dry as possible, and beat with a fork until quite fine. Remove
all skin and bone from the fish, and break into small pieces; mix
with the bread, add pepper, salt, grated lemon rind and a little
ground mace, an egg beaten and butter melted. Make into small flat
cakes, brush them over with egg, cover them with bread crumbs, and
fry in very hot butter a nice brown
Put slices of bread and butter into a pie dish, use 2 ozs. of currants,
a portion sprinkled between each layer and on the top; pour a beaten
egg and 1.5 oz. of sugar in 1 pint of milk over the bread and butter,
and bake in a moderate oven for about one hour. This pudding is
better for standing a little time after it is made before being
Mix three-quarters of grated bread with the same weight of shred
suet; 1 lb. of apples, half a lb. of currants, 4 eggs and the rind
of half a lemon chopped fine. Mix all well together, and boil for
three hours in a pudding basin. Serve with melted butter sauce.
A fine pudding for parties and special days.
Quarter of a pound of butter, 1 lb. loaf sugar, broken into small
pieces, 6 eggs, leaving out 2 whites, the rind of 3 lemons grated,
and the juice of 3 lemons. Put the butter into a saucepan with the
sugar, rind and juice of lemons, then add the eggs. Stir until it
thickens like honey. When cold put into pots and tie down till wanted
for baking. Use good, short, flaky, pastry and bake in a hot oven
in small patty-pans.